Bringing-forth (p. 11)

In this page, Heidegger groups the modes of occasioning, the courses, within bringing-forth. Bringing-forth brings hither out of concealment into unconcealment, which is also known as revealing.

the silver chalice, has the bursting open belonging to bringing-forth not in itself, but in another (en allо̄i), in the craftsman or artist.

The modes of occasioning, the four causes, are at play, then, within bringing-forth. Through bringing-forth, the growing things of nature as well as whatever is completed through the crafts and the arts come at any given time to their appearance.

But how does bringing-forth happen, be it in nature or in handwork and art? What is the bringing-forth in which the fourfold way of occasioning plays? Occasioning has to do with the presencing [Anwesen] of that which at any given time comes to appearance in bringing-forth. Bringing-forth brings hither out of concealment forth into unconcealment. Bringing-forth comes to pass only insofar as something concealed comes into unconcealment. This coming rests and moves freely within what we call revealing [das Entbergen]. [10] The Greeks have the word


This is a Digital Humanities project as part of the 02.132HT The Question of Technology course at the Singapore University of Technology and Design.

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