The Danger and The Saving Power (p. 25 - 35)

In this section, Heidegger elaborates on the danger of enframing, and how Man can find the saving power. To reduce the dangers of enframing, Man must question the essence of technology.

The Danger

The essence of modern technology is heavily linked to enframing in that Man no longer sees the things around us as it is, but rather as a standing reserve, the calculable, to satisfy the needs and wants of Man. In other words, ‘The danger’ occurs when Man is overly focused on his needs and wants and only sees the world around us as resources. This is problematic as it results in Man being increasingly exploitative. This, together with the high efficiency of modern technology engenders permanent or long lasting damage to the environment as nature is no longer able to withstand the high level of exploitation.

‘Where enframing reigns, there is danger in the highest sense’. This danger can be seen today in the form of global warming, pollution, extinction etcetera. Due to Enframing, man no longer exploits nature only for his needs, but exploits in excess. For instance, in modern agriculture, Man does not produce crops for sustenance and instead produces crops in large excess with the intention to sell these excess crops for money to satisfy his wants even when there is no need for it. Naturally, exploiting nature in such a way for extended periods of time leaves the soil barren, thus causing long lasting damage, which is where the danger lies.

The Saving Power

‘But where danger is, grows, The Saving power also…’. As danger grows, the threat and pain that it brings along with it becomes more obvious, which makes Man more aware of this danger and causes him to work against this danger, resulting in the Saving power to grow. This concept can be illustrated through the simple idea of being close to a flame, where the flame is the danger. The closer the flame is to us, the hotter and more painful it becomes, forcing us to react to it or risk suffering. This naturally urges us to put out the flame or somehow reduce it, which resembles the Saving power.

In order to reduce this danger, Man must first question the essence of technology and understand that he Enframes the world around him. In doing so, man would no longer be fully trapped and blinded in the process of Enframing which enables him to form a free relationship with technology.

Heidegger recommends that Man relate more with techne and poiesis, the way that poets do because they express their thoughts and feelings through art from what they observe from the world -- as it is. In other words, art and poetry reveals truth or aletheia.

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